Let's do it.
200 feet.
Level at 200.
Hot dog.
Five miles to target.
There she is.
I see it.
It's too quiet.
Where's the goddamn flak?
Don't worry about it.
Gomers can't get us now.
Nothing's going to get us now.
Jesus Christ.
Flow with it.
Damn, we're going to have to go
right through this crap.
Into attack, pickle's hot.
Velocities have gone bananas.
It's either
the navigational system
or the computer.
The manual says
to kick the son of a bitch.
Get the rotors going.
"State of the art."
It's gone.
We're going to have to bomb
by hand.
I think I got it.
Left five.
We're at the initial point.
come hard left.
Okay, I've got
the yellow brick road in sight.
Jesus, what a great target.
Steady, now.
God, a SAM just lifted off!
Ahead right.
Hold it.
Come on, do it! Do it!
Bomb's away, breaking left.