or resignation processing.
It will take
three to four years
to process a resignation.
Do I make myself clear?
All right, what about it,
Mr. Grafton?
There was only one mission, sir.
That right, Mr. Cole?
That's about the size of it.
We did it ourselves.
Normally, I'm blabby,
but I sat on this one.
You took an oath, Mr. Cole.
You, too, Mr. Grafton.
You took an oath
to defend the constitution
and obey the orders of
the officers appointed over you.
It's the same oath that every
officer in the navy has taken
for damn near 200 years.
And during all that time,
the military has
obeyed the civilians
over the elected government.
Now, they might not
have always been right
or wise or even smart,
but they were elected.
Any other way, and the United
States would be nothing more
than another two-bit
military dictatorship.
Why did you do this, Cole?
An officer
with your fine record?
Did you think you were going
to win the war?
Frankly, sir, I think
we're going to lose this one.
But I do love the work.
Mr. Cole, you may find
that amusing, but we don't.
Gentlemen, this is our country
you're messing with.
Well, Mr. Grafton, you have
an attentive audience here.
Perhaps you can explain to us
why you thought a one-plane war
was the way to go.
Well, sir, we bomb worthless
targets night after night--