you can understand
the ramifications.
Yes, sir.
I want you out of my squadron.
You'll be transferred out
at my convenience.
Wait a minute!
Good men die,
and all we care about is
following the rules, huh?
What are you looking for,
Now, this is not
the place for it.
You're going to shake
your fist at God
and say, "Give me revenge"?
Well, He ain't listening.
You know what's
going on back home.
Bombs, riots, people spitting
on soldiers in airports.
The whole country is
tearing itself apart.
Is there anything in this
pissant war worth that?
Christ, all we really got
is each other.
I want you to think
about that
while we're out there
this morning, Mr. Grafton.
This is a daylight raid,
Air force, marines, navy,
everything we got.
They've had three years
to get ready for us.
The most formidable
air defenses
in the history of warfare.
Our job, the task of the
lntruder, is to kill SAMs.
Make no mistake about it,
SAMs are where
your ordnance goes.
Otherwise, those B-52s
will be dead meat.