All right!
This is Nomad Leader
on the mail.
Give me the coordinates.
Three-wheel painted Mustang,
suggest you orbit at 8,000.
You'll be good bait.
Devil 5-1 1, stay close
and move when I tell you.
That's a roger, Devil Leader.
Devil Leader, this is 5-0-3.
We're five miles behind you.
Skipper, you ever been
afraid of dying?
Son, you got to have
permission to die,
and I'll tell you when that is.
Got that one site--
it's a gun down there.
B issue 23.
He's got me painted.
I'm bracketed.
Okay, break right.
Oh, shit, I'm hit.
I'm hit.
5-1 1 to Devil Leader.
You're smoking, Devil Leader.
Get out, sir.
My BN is dead.
I'm getting out of here.
My canopy's stuck.
Damn it.
I can't eject.
Get out, sir, get out.
I'm taking her down.
I've got a clearing ahead
and a road.
I think I can make it.
Level your wings-- easy, boss.
I'm right behind you.
You can do it, sir.
Devil Leader off the screen.
Do you have a visual?
He's down.
Devil Leader down on the road.
I see the aircraft--
it's smoking.
We need a rescue team.
I've got a Jolly Green
standing by, but he's unarmed.
We need prop-driven planes
in here.
Send in the Sandies.
They can get in low,