It was a beautiful christening.
Thanks for letting us use your house.
I love babies. Now, I don't have
any grandchildren...
Don't start, Mum.
Would you stop cleaning and sit down?
Come on.
This is the way people live, Frances.
Real people.
- What time's your bus?
- Late.
I want to spend some time with her.
- Now it's my fault!
- Nothing's your fault.
It was a lovely ceremony.
- You wanna try it again?
- One more time.
- No!
- Please! Yes, one more time.
- Great christening, honey.
- Gotta go. Bye, Frankie.
I better get going.
Baby, I worry about you in New York.
I'm fine, Mum.
Maybe I'm not the happiest person
who ever lived...
but that's not your fault.