Frankie and Johnny

It's a little piece of turkey,
that's all.

How can you have empathy
with someone you've never met?

I didn't have to meet her. I just
looked at her picture and I knew.

I knew she lived alone,
I knew she had these dreams

that weren't quite enough
to keep her heart beating

so she kept it going by
putting a bottle of Four Roses

under her pillow - nobody knew about.
You should get a crystal ball and a
turban, you'd make a lot more money.

I'm no fortune teller.
I just tell it the way I see it.

She had that look. My mother
had that look her whole life.

I need a blood sausage
and hash browns.

Nedda! She's just asking me out!
I am not! I am not asking you out.
- I'm sorry I'm interrupting.
- You're slicing the turkey too thin!

That's OK, I'll wait.
Baby, you know
how I feel about you, right?

Don't monopolise the phone.
Thank you, Cora.
