- Which one of you called for the truck?
- Me. That was me.
This is it. ltjust sorta died on me here.
l'm the one that called.
- Well, l guess it was you, huh?
- Yeah.
Hey, man, we was doin' fine here.
- ls it the battery?
- Huh?
Were you stopped
and it wouldn't start again?
No, no. ltjust died on me.
We're gonna have to take it in.
- You dissin' me, man?
- You bet he is. You're sayin' it now.
- That's right. That's what he's doin'.
- ls that right? You dissin' me?
No, l'm not. Nothin' like it.
l'm doin' ajob here, fella.
This is how l make my living.
l just ride out there and do the job.
l want it to go as smooth as it can be.
l don't like it to be any harder
than it already is.
You wanna make sure you're in neutral
and the parking brake is off?
That's bullshit, man. He talkin' bullshit.
Yeah, man, what's goin' down?
This is fucked up.
Get in the truck. You'll ride up with me.
- Are you the one l'm talkin' to?
- Hey, we all decide what goes down.
- So don't fly that shit.
- Yeah, man, fuck you!