Am l talkin' to the right man?
That's what l thought.
Look, l gotta ask you a favour.
l gotta ask you to let me go my way here.
Now, this truck is my responsibility.
Now the car's hooked up to it,
l'm responsible for that, too.
Any shit comes down now, it's my ass.
You follow me?
Do you think l'm stupid? Just answer me
that first and then we can talk.
l don't know nothin' about you,
you don't know nothin' about me.
l don't know if you're stupid
or some kinda genius.
But l do know this: l gotta get outta here
and you got the gun.
So l'm askin' you a favour
for the second time.
Let me go my way here.
l'm gonna grant you that favour.
And l'm gonna expect you
to remember this if we ever meet again.
- Yeah.
- But first...
..you gotta answer one more thing for me,
and you gotta tell me the truth.
Are you askin' me a favour
as a sign of respect,...
..or are you askin' me a favour
cos l got the gun?
Man, the world ain't supposed
to work like this.
l mean, maybe you don't know that,
but this ain't the way it's supposed to be.
l'm supposed to be able to do my job
without asking you if l can.
That dude is supposed to be able to wait
with his car without you rippin' him off.
Everything's supposed to be
different than what it is.
So what's your answer?
You don't have the gun,
we ain't havin' this conversation.
That's what l thought. No gun, no respect.
That's why l always got the gun.