Grand Canyon

So? What's the story?
l found her. l was jogging, and l heard this
crying, and l looked under these bushes...

- Wait. Where was this?
- On Carmelina, just around the corner.

l looked under the bushes and there she was.
- When was this?
- This morning.

- This morning? What time?
- Around 9.30, l guess.

- What did the police say?
- Mm?

My guess is the police did not say ''Mm?''
So l guess my next guess is
you haven't called the police.

Claire, it's possible this baby was kidnapped
and someone's been looking for it all day.

l don't think so. l could tell. But l listened
to the news. There wasn't a thing about it.

They may not have announced it, or
they're waiting to hear from the kidnappers.

This baby wasn't kidnapped,
l can tell you that, Mack.

This baby was deserted by its mother
and it's going to need a new one.

- Are you OK?
- l'm fine.

You do know that we have
to call the police right now?

Of course, Mack. l haven't
taken leave of my senses.

l just wanted you to see her,
so l waited till you got home, that's all.

She's so beautiful.
l just wanted you to see her.
