l told you that baby wasn't kidnapped.
l said ''Mister, there's no way this vehicle
is worth as much as you gonna pay to tow it.''
But he didn't care. He tells me
''lt got sentimental value!''
What's so funny about that? Maybe it did.
- Yeah, maybe he got his first piece in there.
- Otis, watch your mouth.
- What did he say, Mama?
- Nothin', baby. Just bring me that meat loaf.
Also, this was the car he was sittin' in
the first time he was ever shot.
Man! He had some good times in there!
Are we gonna play Roundy-Roundy,
Uncle Simon?
- Uh-uh. Time for bed, little girl.
- One game. Come on, Mama.
You said we could play one game.
(Simon) One game, Mama, please.
ln your pyjamas, teeth brushed. Go on.
Get ready to get whipped, home.
Don't you wanna stay home
and be with your uncle?
l gotta go out. l gotta meet some people.
Take it slow, Simon.
- From the shoulders! You still got it!
- l ain't over yet, baby.
Be back soon, Ma.