Grand Canyon

What if l hadn't heard it?
What if no one had heard her?

We would have read about it
in the Times, ''Oh, my God.''

''They found a dead baby
under the bushes on Carmelina.''

''Oh, Mack. l must have run
right by it the other morning.''

But that didn't happen. l found her.
And maybe l saved her life
just the way maybe Simon saved yours.

- What are you saying?
- Something has happened.

You can't go back and have it not happen.
Some kind of connection has been made.

lt has to be played out. That is why
you can't stay out of Simon's business.

lt's like this itch you've gotta scratch.
Claire, you're talking
about a lifelong commitment.

l won't be dealing with
Simon the rest of my life.

How do you know that this man isn't gonna
be your friend until the day that you die?

What if these are miracles, Mack?
Maybe we don't have any experience with
miracles, so we're slow to recognise them.

- l'm getting a terrific headache.
- No, you're not.

- l'm not?
- l'll tell you why l reject your headache.

- Please.
- Because it's inappropriate.

lf l am right
and these events are miracles,...

..then it is an inappropriate response to get
a headache in the presence of a miracle.

- Wow.
- Yeah.

l don't know about you, but l'm thinking
this Mack must be some kind of genius.

- Do you believe in fate?
- l believe in luck.

- Do you think you should come up?
- Do l think l should come up?

What do you think?
Well, l think this night has gone
about as well as it possibly could.

l don't wanna push our luck.
