Purge myself?.
For going to a few meetings?
RAY: We want to know
if you know these people.
RAY: ''Sterling Hayden.''
I know Sterling very well.
RAY: ''Howard DeSilva.''
Howard DeSilva?
I don't know him.
''Lionel Stander.''
I know him.
RAY: ''Elizabeth Cummings.''
I've met her a few times.
And ''Robert Baxter.''
Bunny Baxter?
I've known him since we were kids.
You can't be serious.
We want you to testify as to their membership
in the Communist Party.
I don't know about the others,
but Bunny Baxter is not a Communist.
That's for the Committee to determine.
I'm telling you he's not a Communist.
I've known him all my life.
There's no way I'll say he's a Communist.
You, a decorated Naval officer,
want to be associated with these people?
I'm very disappointed.
I don't give a shit if you're disappointed.
I inform on these people
and they lose their jobs.
They lose everything.
We're not in the employment business.
If they lose their jobs--
Did you tell him
I'd be a fucking stool pigeon?
GRAFF: Be reasonable. Mr. Zanuck...
...is anxious to get you back to work.
But you're not in the employment business.
How the industry treats you
is not our concern.
-That I can see.
-It's a very generous offer.
I got a movie to make.
-There's been a misunderstanding.
-Damn right.
You'll be subpoenaed to testify
at the Committee's next public session.
Go talk to him, Graff.