You son of a bitch.
You son of a bitch. You steal your own child?
That's my business, not yours!
-She's your wife!
-She's crazy!
She's a drunk! She can't raise him!
DAVID: You think you're
a better parent, Larry?
DAVID: You rat on your friends
to save your fucking ass!
DAVID: Is that something to teach your kid?
GUARD: Get off the lot.
DAVID: I'm going.
LARRY: You're off on some set being great,
your wife was at our house!
LARRY: Where were you? You're so damn
high and mighty! Where are you now?
[Recording of light jazz song]
[Phone rings]
DAVID: Hi, Lenny.
MARKS: David!
What the hell are you doing here?
DAVID: Joe called me.
I've been to some dramatic meetings,
but 3:00 a.m. is a new one on me.
Directors. Jesus, you're
worse than first wives.