I have been for 20 years.
MARKS: I don't want to hear that!
JOE: You heard it.
I didn't hear anything. Did you?
I didn't hear anything.
No speeches. Nelly made the same speech.
I love this place. But I can't stay.
It's not my country anymore.
You can't let them get away with this.
What do you propose I do?
Inform on my friends?
They want me to inform on my friends.
Name names.
Ruin people's lives. It's not noble.
I just can't do it.
I'd have to stay away from mirrors
for the rest of my life.
I like looking at myself.
You, on the other hand, will work it out.
You'll work out something.
By that time...
...my picture will be finished.
Here, watch. Look.
DAVID: Thought I'd take Paulie to school.
He left already.
RUTH: Want some coffee?
You look like shit.
DAVID: You look great.
Dorothy's still asleep.
I couldn't let her stay alone.
DAVID: What do you think?
Is everybody full of shit or
do they know me better than I do?
Am I like that, Ruth?
DAVID: Tell me.
You always tell me the truth.
People think making movies means
more to you than anything else.
You really believe that?
It's true, isn't it?