Guilty by Suspicion

What's wrong?
Come on. We always tell each other things.
We're pals, aren't we? We don't have secrets.
Aren't we pals?
All right, so tell me.
Are they going to kill you?
Nobody will kill me.
That's what they do to Reds.
-Where did you hear that?
-At school. On TV.

They're going to kill the Rosenbergs.
Those spies.

They'll die in the electric chair.
I don't know what they did.
But when your mother and I were younger,
we tried to help people.

I didn't do anything wrong.
-You didn't?
-No, and if I ever did, I'd tell you.

I tell you everything.
We don't have secrets. Right?

That a boy.
I'm not a spy. Nobody will kill me.
DAVID: They might try to torture me a little--
RUTH: Terrific. Well done.

RUTH: Nobody's going to torture Daddy.
DAVID: I was kidding.
RUTH: He was just talking. You know that.

Give Daddy a kiss. He has to go.
Come on. He'll be late.
-When are you coming back?
-Just as soon as I can.

That's what you said last time,
and that was two whole months.

I promise I'll come back as soon as I can.
-I'll miss you.
-I'm going to miss you.

I paid off the agency
and here's what's left over.

-I don't want it.
-Make me feel better, please. Take it.
