RUTH: Take care of yourself.
DAVID: I've always done that.
[Lively piano music plays]
ABE: Come on! We got three weeks.
ABE: Not a year. Not three months.
Three weeks. Weeks.
ABE: Son of a bitch.
What the hell are you doing in town?
Look who fell out of the sky.
It's Merrill!
ABE: Your discoverer.
ABE: Before I took her away from you.
FELICIA: What are you doing in New York?
DAVID: Came to see what's happening.
ABE: Nothing, that's what.
Don't take all the jobs away
from us hack directors.
Doing a movie?
Invite this bum to dinner while he's in town.
You look older.
I feel older. I am older.
Honey, talk to David later!
Call us.
We just moved. 487 East 63rd Street.
They allow guys like me there?
Guys like you?