Every day.
I don't mean like that. I mean somethin'...
Somethin' different.
- Talking about heaven?
- I mean like... I mean like God.
You didn't go and get
religious on me now, did you?
No, man, but just think about it.
If there is a heaven and a God,
I'd like to meet the dude.
I'd like to go up there
and hang out with him.
You ain't gonna meet God with me.
When I'm dead and done, I don't want
no damn excuses for what I did.
Burbank. What happened?
The future.
Can you believe it?
They turned Burbank
into a goddamn international airport.
("Stop The World"
by The Screaming Jets)
(bike misfiring)
Shit. Son of a bitch.
You're a goddamn mess, Marlboro.
You need a new pair of boots
and a new bike.
Lay off my boots.
But you're right about
this rice-grinding horse.
Shit. Piece of shit.
I oughta give it a bullet
and put it out of its misery.