Goddamn, Harley. If you were shootin'
for shit, you wouldn't even get a whiff.
Happy birthday.
You son of a bitch.
I almost forgot.
44 mag Desert Eagle.
Eight in the clip. One in the pipe.
That's nice, man. Thanks.
How's it feel to be an old man?
Older the bull, the stiffer the horn.
You gotta squeeze the trigger, Harley.
Don't yank it. It's not your dick.
Squeeze it.
All the tears inside
What an ache it will bring
God, I love this place.
To a telephone
That forgot how to ring
I could say you'll soon be back, dear
To fool the whole town may be smart
I'll tell them you'll soon be back, dear
But what can I tell my heart?
Hey, old man, half-time's over.
You got a restaurant to run.