Hurry up, Harley.
It's gonna be bloody but quick.
You hold on.
(Marlboro) How much do you think
we can get for this jacket?
What'd he say?
Vaya con Dios, amigo.
What's that mean?
Go with God.
Now, Jack, you know the last time
we did this I kicked your ass.
That was in high school, Harley,
and Jack had a broken arm.
I'm the one that did it.
You remember, Jack?
He was doin' pretty good up to there.
I can't watch this.
He's fucked.
I'm gonna kill you, Harley.
I just picked the wrong flower.
I'd kill for you, Harley.
How could you do that to me?
I've always been bad company with
a good-Iooking woman in the room.
Stay away from her, Harley.
I love her. We're married.
It's always only been you, Jack.