Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man

- Why the extra dollar?
- We had a bet.

Well, it wasn't a walk in the park,
but the job's done.

You did it. You did it, man.
Check this out, old man.
Besides Jimmy and Lulu
and the rest of you,

this place is what keeps me
comin' back day after day.

Thank you for givin' that back to me.
I've got things to do.
- Tomorrow we open for good.
- All right. All right, Pops.

Man, I am thankful for this.
But you boys are whacked out,
you know that?

I'm talkin' about you, Harley.
- That's what friendship's about.
- It's done and it's done good.

So let's take the edge off.
Come here, Marlboro, get in this.

To Lulu, who'd kill me
if she knew what I helped do.

But because I did it, she still has a job.
To Lulu.
What's wrong? We done good tonight.
Shit, Harley,
we're way out of our league, man.
