We wanna be like Peter Pan
We don't wanna grow up
Yeah, I'm at my daughter's play.
It's impossible. I'm on a plane
to London tomorrow night with my family.
A children's hospital is dedicating
an entire wing to Granny Wendy.
Peter, you're missing it.
All right. I want a meeting,
tomorrow a.m.
Dad, my game! You promised.
Listen, it's my son's big game.
Last game of the season. Santa Series.
I gotta be there. I promised.
We'll make it short.
I'll be there. My word is my bond.
We never, never, never
Never, never, never, never
Never, never, ever wanna grow up
Strike three! You're out.
Bluejays, come on!
Jack! Come on, Bluejays!
Fire it up!
Where is your father? He's missing it.
Daddy'll be here. He promised.
Jerry? Jack?
-I said that.
Go to the game ahead of me.
Film what I miss.
This is the speech
for your grandmother's tribute.
-On cards?
-Number those. Who wrote it?
-Ned Miller.
I loved his annual report.
Read it.
" For the past 70 years,
the Granny Wendy we honour tonight...
...has given hope and care
and life to hundreds of orphans."
Mommy, where's Daddy?
My briefcase.