Hello, Wendy.
I told you, Gran, I'd get him here,
by hook or by crook.
I'm sorry it's been
so long between visits.
It's been 1 0 years between visits.
But never mind.
Come and give me a skwoodge.
Oh, Moira, Moira, Moira!
Who is this lovely lady?
It can't be Maggie.
Yes, it can. And know what?
I just played you at school.
And don't you just look the part.
Can this giant be Jack?
How much you've grown in a year!
I'm supposed to tell you about...
...congratulations for opening
the orphan hospital...
...and how great the dedication is.
-Thank you so very much.
Now, there is one rule I insist
be obeyed while you are in my house:
No growing up.
Stop this very instant.
And that includes you,
Mr. Chairman-of-the-Board Banning.
Sorry, too late, Gran.
And what's so terribly important
about your terribly important business?
You see, when a big
company's in trouble...
...Dad sails in, and if
there's any resistance--
He's exaggerating. I'm still
into mergers and acquisitions.
And I'm dabbling in
some land development.
Any resistance and he blows them
out of the water.
Peter, you've become a pirate!