Peter! Peter! Peter!
"All children, except one, grow up."
Now, you know where faeries come from,
don't you, Maggie?
"When the first baby laughed
for the first time...
...the laugh broke
into a thousand pieces...
...and they all went skipping about.
That was the beginning of faeries."
And look.
I'm Wendy.
Or was, a long time ago.
But Jack says you're not
the really " real" Wendy.
Do you see where Jack is?
Well, that's the same window.
And this is the same room...
...where we made up stories about Peter,
Never Land and scary old Captain Hook.
And do you know, Mr. Barrie, well,
Sir James, our neighbour...
...loved our stories so much that
he wrote them all down in a book.
Oh, dear me, 80 years ago.
You're really old!
That's very true.
I'm sorry to break this up.
I have to steal Granny...
...or she'll be late for the most
important event of her life.
Oh, dear.
Daddy, I made something for you.
You're gonna love this.
It's a hug. Next time you fly,
you won't have to be scared.
She's made you a parachute.
That's very clever, dear.
Get away from there!
What have I told you about playing near
open windows? Keep this window closed.
Do we have open windows at home?
No. They've all got bars on them.
Come on. Into bed.
Who took my baseball?
That mean, scary man
at the window stole it.
There's no scary man.
But he says he's a window washer.