I read recently that they're now using
lawyers instead of rats for experiments.
They do this for two reasons:
One, the scientists become
less attached to the lawyers.
And two, there are certain things
that even rats won't do.
I thank the Board of Trustees
of the Ormond Street Hospital...
...for having me here this evening...
...and beg your forgiveness because
normally I address shareholders.
We don't know each other, and I doubt
that we have very much in common...
...except this wonderful woman,
Wendy Angela Darling.
Granny Wendy brought me in
from the cold.
She taught me to read and write.
She even found people to be
my parents and adopt me.
She's loved so many children...
...just so efforlete--
efforse-- effortlessly.
That's her achievement.
Many of you here tonight
were once lost children...
...but Granny Wendy found parents
and homes for each of you...
...and saved you.
That's her miracle.
I know that if you could stand now, you
would express much better than I have...
...your feelings of gratitude...
...and warm feelings...
...for this wonderful woman.
I guess we do have
something in common.
We're orphans.