
Because here he is!
The cunning kingfish!

The brave barracuda!
A man so deep, he's
almost unfathomable.

A man so quick,
he's even fast asleep!

Thank you!
Let's give him a very big hand...
...because he's only got one.
I give you the
steel-handed stingray...

...Captain James Hook!
Hook! Hook! Hook! Hook...!
See how greatly
the men favour you, sir?

The pealing spawn.
How I despise them!

Go get 'em, captain!
Thank you!
Well, my stupid, sorry,
parasitic sacks of entrails....

Revenge is mine.
Long live the Hook!
I baited that Hook and
now I'm proud to announce...

...we have his children.
My God! Jack and Maggie.
Finally I'm going
to kill Peter Pan...

...that cocky boy who cut off
my hand and fed it to the crocodile!

And who killed that
cunning crocodile? Who stuffed him?

Who made him into a quiet clock?
Who went to the other world
and stole Pan's children?

And who didn't
believe I could do it?

Who doubted me?
Who amongst us does not belong?
Someone here does not belong.
Stranger amongst the loyal,
I'll weed you out.

