Hudson Hawk

You want some more, Jumbo?
I'll kick your ass.

Hawk ...
- Enjoying Italy?
- Yeah.

I've always had
a soft spot in my heart for Rome.

I did my first
bare-handed strangulation here.

- A Communist politician.
- You big softie.

I miss communism!
The Red Threat. People were scared.
The Agency had some respect.
And I got laid every night.

- Brief him, Snickers.
- The Mayflowers are in a hurry.

- You're doing the Vatican tonight.
- I've got a date tonight.

"Grapple, biker's bottle, pocket
fisherman, olive oil, 100 stamps."

- This is going to be some date.
- Snickers, make that list happen.

We're not like the Mayflowers.
We're sore losers.

We blow up space shuttles
for breakfast. So behave.

Hey, old man! Yeah, you!
You come back here alone
and I'll kick your ass.

"Beware the blue wire"?
