Hungarian humour, George.
- You are too familiar. Apologise.
- Sit down, you ass!
- You think I dont know whats going on?
- She has made love with Monsieur Liszt?
Apologise or Ill rip your throat out!
- Agh! Alfred!
- St George!
- What are "you" doing here?
- Im the dragoon. I was invited.
Duchess, Ive only just arrived.
Thank God I was in time
to defend Madame Sands honour.
- You followed me.
- Hes the one?
- Youre starting up with him again?
- Id sooner chew glass.
Choose your seconds
and meet me at dawn, sir.
- No more duels!
- This is mens business.
- I accept.
- Men? Youre not fit to be men!
Morons! Idiots!
Choose your weapons, Mallefille.
Red or white?
Leave her alone!
Shes going off to write about us.
Its time for her nightly regurgitation.
20 pages.
The only reason
she needs you or me or anybody
is to provide characters
for her ghastly novels!
- I trust you have no objection to pistols.
- What?
- For tomorrow.
- My boy, I really dont care.
Thank you for the loan, my dear.
It was most instructive.
Youll be up before dawn for the duel,
so I shall sleep in my own bed.
Ooh! I do wish I could be there tomorrow.
You will make sure nobodys killed?
I abhor killing,
but a good fights something to see.
- Good night.
- Good night, Claudette.