
...only a few months before he defects
to the Soviet Union.

A Russian exam.
Is 4:30 in the morning!
I have five kids who'll wake up in an hour.

In all my years in the military, I never knew
a single man who had a Russian test.

Oswald was a radar operator.
He'd have about as much use for Russian
as a cat has for pajamas.

These books have gotten to your mind!
Stop reading.
He makes it sound like nothing.

Oswald did badly on his test.
He got only two more Russian words right
than wrong.

Thas like me saying
Touchdown is not very intelligent...

...because I beat him three games
out of five when we played chess.

Are you going to stay up all night,
every night? For what?

To be the only man who's read
all 26 volumes of the Warren Report?

Do I have to spell it out for you?
Lee Oswald was no ordinary soldier.
He was in military intelligence,
thas why he was trained in Russian.

It was no accident he was in Russia.
Go back to sleep.
I've been sleeping for three years!

'Morning boys. Ready for a walking tour?
7:30 Sunday morning?
Not exactly fresh blood we're sniffing.

Old stains, but just as telling.
531 Lafayette Street.
Remember whose office this was in '63?
Sure. Guy Banister.
Ex-FBI man. Died a couple of years ago.
He headed the Chicago office. When he
retired he became a private eye here.

I used to have lunch with him.
John Birch Society, Minutemen.
