
I think it got him killed.
More bad news from Miami.
Ferrie's friend, Eladio del Valle,
was found...

...hacked to death with a machete
in his car.

He was tortured, shot point-blank
in the heart, his skull split open with an ax.

Ain't that the devil's piss!
Found another note. Same thing.
No name. No signature.

"When you receive this, I'll be quite dead,
so no answer is possible.

"I offered you love, I got kicked."
Musve pressed to come up with that.

What if a man with hypertension
were to take an entire bottle of Proloid?

He'd die quickly. A heart storm
or a ruptured blood vessel in the brain.

Can you ascertain if there's Proloid
in his system?

Not with a routine autopsy.
But there may be a high level of iodine
in the spinal fluid.

But is difficult to know.
Whare you thinking?

It doesn't make sense.
Would a man afraid of dying...

...kill himself in a way that leaves no trace?
And leave two unsigned suicide notes?
If is a suicide, I've seen weirder.
The fact is, he's gone. And so is our case.
Unless we go for Shaw now.
With whose testimony?
O'Keefe, a male prostitute?

Jack Martin, a drunk?
Vernon Bundy, a dope fiend?

Shaw's got respect. Newspaper editors,
American Bar Association.

I agree. We don't have the goods.
We wait, Shaw will get whacked!

How many corpses do you need
to figure out whas going on?

Watch your mouth! Ferrie did this himself.
Where're you going?
I don't know.
I just don't know.
Frank, you're wasting your time here.
Big Jim gave strict orders. No FBI.
Is you I want to talk to.
Boss'd fry me in hog fat
if he knew I talked to you.

Boss's got a problem. Real serious.
We know whas going on at your office.
