In World War Il, I was in Rumania,
Greece, Yugoslavia.
I helped evacuate part of Nazi intelligence
at the end of the war.
And we used those guys
against the Communists.
In ltaly, '48, we stole the elections.
France '49, we broke the strikes.
Overthrew Quirino in the Philippines,
Arbenz in Guatemala...
...Mossadegh in Iran.
We were in Vietnam in '54...
...Indonesia, '58, Tibet, '59.
Got the Dalai Lama out. We were good.
Very good.
Then we got into the Cuban thing.
Not so good.
Set up an invasion to take place
in October, '62.
Khrushchev sent missiles to resist.
Kennedy didn't invade.
We just had our dicks in the wind.
A lot of pissed-off people, Mr. Garrison.
I'll come to that later.
So, 1963...
I spent much of September of '63...
...working on the Kennedy plan
to get all US personnel...
...out of Vietnam by the end of 1965.
One of the strongest plans issued
by the Kennedy White House...
...National Security Memo 263...
...ordered home the first 1,000 troops.
But in November, a week after the murder
of Vietnamese President Diem...
...and two weeks before
Kennedy's assassination...
...a strange thing happened to me.
Is Dave in there?
You wanted to see me, General?
I do, indeed.
You're going to the South Pole.
I am?
Dr. Mooney's got the details.
Check with him. Have a nice vacation.
I was sent by my superior,
we'll call him "Y"...
...I was sent by General Y
to the South Pole...
...as military escort for a group
of international VlPs.
I was on my way back, in New Zealand...