
...told the 112th Military Intelligence Group
at Fort Sam Houston...

...to stand down that day,
over the protests of Colonel Reich.

I believe is a mistake.
Is standard procedure, especially
in a known hostile city like Dallas...

...to supplement the Secret Service.
Even if we hadn't let him ride
with the bubble-top off...

...we would've put 100 to 200 agents
on the sidewalk without question.

A month before, in Dallas, UN Ambassador
Adlai Stevenson was spit on and hit.

There had been attempts
on De Gaulle's life in France.

We'd have arrived days ahead,
studied the route...

...checked all the buildings.
Never would've allowed open windows
overlooking Dealey. Never!

Our own snipers
would've covered the area.

If a window went up,
they'd have been on the radio!

We'd be watching the crowd:
packages, rolled-up newspapers, coats.

Never would've let a man
open an umbrella.

Never would've let the car slow down
to ten miles an hour.

Or take that unusual curve
at Houston and Elm.

You'd have felt an Army presence
in the streets that day.

But none of this happened. It violated
our most basic protection codes.

And it is the best indication
of a massive plot in Dallas.

Who could have best done this?
Black Ops. People in my business.
My superior could've called Col. Reich
and said:

"We have another unit coming for security.
You'll stand down."

That day, some Army Intelligence people
were in Dallas.

I don't know who or why.
But they weren't protecting clients.
And Oswald. Army Intell had
a Lee Harvey Oswald on file.

Those files have been destroyed.
Many strange things were happening.
Oswald had nothing to do with them.
The entire Cabinet was in the Far East.
A third of a combat division
was returning from Germany...

...in the air above the United States,
at the time of the shooting.

At 12:34 p.m., the Washington
telephone system went out for an hour.
