Johnny Stecchino

- Hey Gianna, how are you ?
- You know I am bad..
- I know, be strong.. Ciao.

- Where is Lillo ?
- He's there..

- Come on, he's having breakfast with me.
- Ok then. Ciao.

- Dante are we having breakfast ?
- Yes Lillo, then..

I have to tell you something
which happened to me last night.

Lillo, let go !
I'll go off the road !

I'll go off the road !
Lillo, let me go !

"Show us your Ministry.."
She showed her thighs !

And what a butt ! And some touched it !
And how many women !
Actually I didn't get that game..

By the way, we went out
and I was left alone with a dog..

And a car stopped by, Lillo.
..and a woman got off.

She was the most beautiful woman
I have ever seen.

And you know what ?
She stopped, and looked at me, Lillo !
She looked at me, hey !

She looked at me and came close,
then she said: ''You are wonderful !''
..she said that to me !

And then she fell to the ground.
- Did you have sex ?
- No.

No, she passed out, she passed out, but..
..but she was the most beautiful woman..
And Lillo, she looked at me as if I were
the best looking man in the world.

A smart woman,
with good taste, very refined .

Then she suddenly came closer
as if she wanted to kiss me,
she almost touched me,

and said:
''You're my dream !"

She said that to me !
I am still upset.

Lillo ! Not the sweets !
You've got diabetes,
you can't eat sweets !

There's sugar in them,
you could die !

- Only two !
- No, you can't have any, and by the way they cost too much.

You can have fruit,
fruit is allowed if you have diabetes.

..but it's expensive as well.
We should find a way
not to pay for it. Wait here.
