What happened to your pants ?
A button has come off.
We have to find a remedy,
you can't go out like this.
What a nice surprise, Johnny !
I didn't expect to see you in here.
Okay. It works.
It was so nice of you
to remember me.
- Do you smoke ?
- No, but I'll take one, thanks.
- You speak English well.
- You too, Johnny.
- Johnny ! I like Johnny..
- Do you ?
I'll always call you Johnny.
You'll be my Johnny.
And I'll call you.. Speaking of which,
what's your name ?
- Maria.
- Maria, I like it. I'll always call you Maria.
Maria, but, where are we going?
Where are you taking me ?
We're going to take off your pants.
Wait !
Perfect !
Saint Cleopatra !