- It's beautiful here !
- Come in. - Yes.
- Everything is beautiful here !
- Don't tell me you have to leave soon
because I won't let you go.
- I'll stay if you want.
- I hope you like it here.
If I like it here ?
Maria, but I..
- I'll show you your room.
- My room ! Where is it ? - Over there.
He doesn't look like me at all !
- What have you said ?
- I said he doesn't look like me.
- Don't force me to repeat things.
- But he looks exactly like you !
Your own mother
could be mistaken by him !
My mother !
- Johnny !
- Never call my mother's name !
But he is your double !
When I saw him I said: "Shit !"
..I got scared.
His name is Johnny,
he's got the spot and the toothpick.
Your wife brain-washed him !
She told him I'm her uncle.
Maria is a genius.
Here we are, Johnny !
You'll no longer be a prisoner.
It's just a matter of hours.
As soon as we take him out
he'll be killed.
Maria will pretend to cry
and it's over.
I'll listen to you one last time,
but if this thing doesn't work..
Can you see this toothpick ?
I stick it into you balls
and I'll barbecue with them !