Locked up in this house for 18 months !
lnside this bunker !
Forced to bark
like a dog !
But Johnny, you are speaking as if
you didn't see what happened today.
- Have you seen the miracle ?
- I have seen him.
He doesn't look like me at all.
Come and see. It's incredible.
Come and see !
Okay. Show me.
- Look at him.
- I was stunned.
I could no longer
understand anything.
Something here and there..
But he has the face of an idiot.
He's insignificant,
And plain.
Maria, is that how you see me ?
No !
I know you are different.
- But Cozzamara will think it's you.
- Cozzamara !
Cozzamara !
Maria, that's unbearable !
Why hasn't he been caught yet ?
Can you tell me why ?
His name was the first one
I told the judge.
Please catch Cozzamara first.
Then I told him the other names.
Renta, Caporetto, Lozzo.
Vicky Bloom was caught in Washington.
Why is Cozzamara still free ?
I became reformed
because of him !
He betrayed me !