Johnny Suede

- Hey, Johnny!
I'm sorry I missed you last night
I was on the way to club but it's three girls...

pull up to me, asking me to take them
to the tunel...

The next thing I know, they're going through the tunnel...
..with me still in the car. Ain't that..
they've parked in the woods. Ain't that interesting...?

So how about you, you scored last night?
- What the fuck was I doing, man? Playing hockey?

- Jesus, what's the matter with you?
- What's the matter with me!? I just pawned my guitar, that's what.

- Why!?
- So I have something else to eat besides...

goddamned cabbage!
I tell you, if I had a gun, right now...

- I'd do something!
- Like what!?

- Like what? See that barber's shop over there?
I bet there's 300 dollars in the register. We walk in...

:11:26 him the gun and he gives us
the cash, right?

- Yeah... Hey, that's not a bad idea, Johnny!
- I know! I can get my guitar back!

- I can get me a new keyboard!
- I would to start the band!

- So when are we gonna get the band started?
- I just told you, as soon as we get a gun.

Listen! I know the guy, he is a apartment painter.
So like you help me, I split with you 50/50?

- 50/50?
No. These hands weren't made to hold a goddamned paintbrush!
