- This is it but this is not.
- Yes.
See, what I made my mistake with Darlette
is I let her see my hand...
I mean as soon as she found out that I like her...
- ...she flew like a goddamned bird. - She will sit on the ground one day.
- I know she will. But my point is that I learned
an extremaly valueable lesson here...
- now with Yvonne, I can take it or leave it.
- Yes, man, that's right, that's the way it is, Johnny!
Just let them come to you.
I went to the class the other day,
you know, just to take a glimpse of her lifestyle...
...and the moment I went in the kids start
crawling all over me, messing up my clothes, messing up my hair...
...and than this girl comes up, with no reason
reaping my favourite shirt! You know, I was so pissed.
I just get out of there...
- I didn't even say goodbye, you know
- Take it or leave it, right?
- Exactly! And that's the way
I'm handling this one, man!
- You're not making love?
- Of course we're making love!..
- You just see me the other night, man
I was like a wild man,
I was doing all kinds of things! - Like what?
- Like, well... she showed me where that little button is
inside there, you know... - You didn't know where that was?
Yeah, I knew where it was.
But know I can find it in the dark if I have to! And that...
..is a good thing for a guy to know!
- You know, Johnny, I'm glad we had this conversation. - Anytime.
I'm sorry man, I didn't mean to laugh but...
I am really glad we had this conversation..