- That's 16 years, you moron!
- It's a fuckin' mystery.
- You gonna give her a beatin'?
- Her father did that already.
I'm not talkin' about her father.
I'm talkin' about you.
He ain't talkin' about Mike.
He's talkin' about you.
See my girl, Denise.
She knows better.
She got out of line one time,
I stomped her in the midsection.
Morning, Paulie.
Good morning.
- How are ya?
- Ah.
- Just okay?
- The same.
All right.
I'll see you later.
- Have a nice day.
- You, too.
- Have a nice day.
- Thank you.
Ooh, she's sweet, man.
I'd fuck her.
- Definitely.
- You'd fuck a mozzarella.
I'd fuck her. I'd fuck
a nigger or spic in a second.
- Yeah... and the mozzarella.
- I'd do it, too.
I wouldn't let anyone see us
together. No way I'd walk...
down 18th Avenue with a black
on my arm... no fuckin' way.
- Not even Paula Abdul?
- Not even Paula Abdul.
- Abdul says she's not black.
- Who's Paula Abdul?
She got big tits?
It's gotta stop somewhere.
Next thing, a black guy...
will wanna pork Denise.
They took over sports...
baseball, basketball,
football, boxin'...
What do we got left?
- Golf.
- Golf! Come on, man.
They fuckin' elected Dinkins.
Christ, when does it stop?
I don't need this shit
from you guys today.
All you ever do
is complain... complain.
When Dinkins won, the next day
everybody was packin' up.
And where'd you go?
Around the corner?
The first thing he does...
appoints that black police commissioner.
- What's his name?
- Lee Brown.
- Downtown Brown.
- Did you vote?
- I didn't. I had to fix my car.
- Patty, did you vote?
- No. I had to help my mom.
- Veeshay?
- Yeah, I voted.
- You didn't vote.
I did vote!
Fuck you.
You're full of shit.
Frankie Botz?