- Taj Mahal.
- The Taj Mahal? That's the name?
That's where's he's at,
the Taj Mahal.
- What's the Taj Mahal?
- The Taj Mahal is...
It's like the Trump Towers
for crackheads around here.
That's where your brother's at.
He's a basin' thief, I'm sorry.
- Where's it at?
- Up on 145th and Convent.
- Thank you.
- Hey, whatever.
# Livin' just enough #
# Just enough for the city #
# Livin' just enough #
# Livin' for the city #
# Just enough for the city #
# For the city
Yeah, yeah, yeah #
# Livin' just enough #
# Livin' just enough #
# Just enough #
# Just enough #
# Livin' just enough #
# Stop givin' just enough #
# Livin' just enough ##
I'm sorry.