Crack ho, crack ho!
Eat me, motherfucker!
Fuck you!
Take your box-head ass on
outta here, motherfucker!
Get the fuck downtown
with your Mickey Mouse ass...
and that spaghetti-cookin'
bitch of yours!
Leave me alone.
All you crackheads!
I'll shoot you.
Crapshoot for crackheads!
Give it to me!
Goddamn it, give it to me!
Pull this motherfuckin'
shit out of your pocket!
- Fuck! Get off me!
- Where the fuck you get this from?
I've been suckin' dicks
for your ass...
and you got this shit
in your pocket.
Gimme all this
goddamn shit!
You and your brother can kiss
my fuckin' yellow ass!
Where's my lighter, man?
Fuck you!
Fuck all y'all!
Come on, shit, bring
your sorry ass over here.
So, where we goin'?
We gonna be together?
We're together now.
I don't know.
You don't know.
Who the fuck knows?
- Is that the way it is?
- That's the way it is.
What about children?
No, no.
That's not gonna happen.
I'm sayin'...
if we work it out.
No children.
No, no, no.
No babies.
Besides, I gotta be married
to have children.
Or have you forgotten
that I already am married?
With a child.
No. No half-black,
half-white babies for me.