no, she/it is at home
where she/it doesn't serve to anything
in good or in pain
all of the same office
that hides what?
something enormous
an embezzlement
still money
one doesn't miss...
... of theories.
We need some facts
it is necessary for us to know...
... why
they convened Eduard
excuse me
you have
the file Eduard Raban?
then me there to look for
his/her/its family's address?
I would like to write to him
nothing on the family
something else?
no. It is that I feel held
to make something
it was a very dear friend.
If there is...
... any means
to help to close the file
he/it remains a report to complete.
I will make it myself
to submit it at the Castle
ah yes
the Erlanger business
the Orlac business
thank you, Mr.
you are too sensitive
let this poor wretch
to rest in peace
it is a "client" file,
"used not"
are Orlacs client?
it is a factory of the north.
An excellent customer
you don't have
of official demand