a big loss
all these people treated
the Orlac file?
yes. Your friend's name
is he/it there?
he/it should not have intervened than once
his/her/its name will appear
in your chief's final report
when a file
go up to the Castle...
... can one recover it?
but no! The directors
have alone this power
the scoundrel
between not to the Castle
To what good
of the archives inconsultables?
these are centennial laws,
one doesn't throw them into question
if I asked the directors...
to see them,
it is necessary to be convened
and it doesn't arrive hardly ever
where classify one our files
to the Castle?
we are a health insurance company
to the medical file
it is there that I should address
he/it is, dear naf...
... that the chief of this service...
... to the Castle,
is Leading at home
if he/it pleases you!
I must finish that
you began indeed?
he/it didn't make anything.
He/it fears my superiority
to assist me!
as much to have
two aliens
one is not able to anything there