You've gone nuts, Frenho.
I'm not blaming anyone.
Nothing can be done.
the worst'll come to you soon.
Have you been drinking?
You went to Roussel to drink?
By entering the door
you've brought trouble,
but you too will be unhappy.
I admire your work,
but I never wanted to be an intruder.
You invited me.
Of course...
You want to see, you want to know.
You're more interested in my work
than I myself.
Nothing new?
Nothing for you, you old bastard.
Come on in.
Here are the oldest.
And here also.
It's all in a mess.
I don't keep it tidy.
You're not coming up?
It's nicer.
This one's prehistoric.
I was 12 then.
You can have a look at them.
This one's what?
Not bad. It's somebody else's.
And here...