Good morning!!
Good morning father!!
l'll see you!!
The delegate told me to walk up...
to the raft so he can set a timetable...
then he knows when the exile has to sign.
What exile?
They sent us an exile,
which is like a criminal terrorist,
but not so serious.
He's in your church,
has a note from the archbishop.
The archbishop?
Anything else?
A dead man's waiting for you.
When did you last confess?
Never mind.
Just remember you're in God' s house,
and not Caesar' s
l hope not to abuse
your hospitality too long.
l don't care about time,
or if you're a believer.
While you're here you must obey
at least 4 rules.
keep the place clean.
help me prepare mass.
attend mass.
no women on that bed.
No, Father.
Call me Patricio if ''Father'' bothers you.
lt's fine, Father.
Can you help me?