When"d you come here from Spain?
After the war.
Pablo Neruda put us on the ''Winnipeg''.
To save us from the fascists
and bring us to this new world.
You must've been a baby.
Not really.
Odd that you've kept your
Spanish accent.
l had to keep something, no?
We lost the war in Spain,
then l lost a handsome, cowardly man
who got me pregnant and ran off.
Then came the tidal wave.
After that, we lost again...
What's that?
Our biggest tourist attraction.
Part of what the tidal wave left behind
when it receded.
You're from Santiago?
Know if the Hotel Las Flores
is still standing?
Near Ahumada Street.
Could be.
That's all l recall of Santiago.
We stopped there on our way
from Spain... one night.