we're going to have to tear down
a nursing home for the aged.
Well. at present. there are 1 8O
very old people Living there...
and we understand that
most of them are invalids...
who are bedridden and dying.
It wouldn't Look good
in the papers.
Ah. I get your point.
Do it late at night.
I have a Little surprise.
Follow me.
-What is this?
-Looks Like a slum area.
You are Looking
at 2.5 square miles...
of the most derelict.
dilapidated section...
of Los Angeles.
Right now.
I own half of this property.
The city owns the other half.
but by noon tomorrow...
it will all be mine.
Ow! What is that?
One of those Little bums
that Live down there.
I suppose you're wondering
why Goddard Bolt...
is prepared to pay
11p to $4 biulon...
to own this worthless
pile of refuse. Am I right?
Well. we would never presume
to question your genius...
for financial wizardry. sir.
but why?
Gentlemen. the ultimate
achievement of my life--
Bolt Center.
It's absolutely visionary.
Gentlemen. you'll never know...
how mllch this project
excites me.
Mr. Bolt. you have
a surprise visitor.
-Who is it?
-Vance CrassWell. sir.
CrassWell? Damn it!
Thank you. Let's go.
Excuse me.