These people down here
have nothing. Zero!
Look. I don't want
to hurt your feelings.
You couldn't survive
ten minutes down here.
Don't be ridiculous.
I would survive anywhere.
Right. Without your money
and your credit cards?
Without identifying yourself
to anyone as Goddard Bolt?
For a modest period of time--
I don't know. Let's say.
thirty days?
It's a bet.
What are you talking about?
Well. what you just said--that
you could survive down here...
without using any
of your resources for 3O days.
If you do it. you get
my half of the property.
You don't do it.
I'm gonna get yours.
I'm sorry.
Wasn't that the bet?
You conniving son of a bitch.
It's a bet.
You've underestimated me. Vance.
I can do it.
You can't do it!
You'll never make it!
This is insane. This is crazy.
You'll never survive.
Pritchard. be qulet.
Fergueson. go on.
Thank you. If you Ieave
the prescribed slum area...
or try to remove this
ankIe aIarm. it will go off...
and if we receive
a sustained aIarm signal...
for more than thirty seconds.
you'll forfeit the bet.
After thirty days. the aIarm
will automatically deactivate.
Are these conditions understood?
-And we have your word on that?
-Yes. You have my word on it.
Pritchard. I'm giving
you and your partners...
my power of attorney.
I'm trusting you to Look
after all my IegaI affairs...
for the next thirty days.
Take it. Take it aII.
I won't need anything.
And you won't need this either.