Now you're talking.
Look. I'll give you a break.
I don't need
the whoIe 2O.000 tonight...
but if you give me $2.5O
as a down payment...
the bed is yours.
get the hell out of here.
Who is it?
Please Iet me in.
I need sheIter.
I'm sorry.
We're cIosed. my son.
But I haven't eaten all day.
I need food.
We'll be open
in the morning. my son.
You don't understand.
I don't have a pIace to sIeep.
I'm tired--very tired. Very.
Please. Please Iet me in.
Now Iisten!
You're waking everybody up!
Now you get out of here.
or I'll call the poIice!
My son.