Thank you. Thank you.
Now. Look. I got work to do.
Excuse me. would there be
a pIace around here...
that I could get
something to eat?
Yeah. Going through the garbage
or going to the mission.
Where would I find the mission?
Hey. what do I Look Like.
a tour gulde?
I'll find it myseIf.
You're never gonna find it.
You're going
in the wrong direction.
He's hopeIess.
Wait. Let me cover my cans.
I'm going there myseIf.
I'll show you.
I saved your Iife.
I saved your feet.
This is your Last heIp.
This means a Iot to us.
God bIess you.
Could I have a Little more?
Just one more.
Thank you.
Hey. Pepto!
-Yeah. that's me.
Come sit with us. Over here.
Come on. There are
two empty seats over there.
Hey. Pepto. I see you met MoIIy.
Hi. MoIIy. How you doing?
-You two know each other?
-Oh. yeah. We're old paIs.
I reIieved myseIf on him
this morning...by mistake.