Life Stinks

It's right in the bridge
of your nose now.

Did I get it?
Yeah. you got it.
Here you go. MoIIy. ALL right.
Hey. man.
You got a piece of corn
on your face.

Anybody finished here?
-I am.
-Thank you.

Thanks. Pops.
Pops ain't gonna be around Iong.
-His eIevens are up.

His eIevens.
Look at the back of his neck.

See them two cords sticking out?
They make Like an eIeven.

Once they're up. that's it.
He's a goner.

Oh. boy.
Maybe he'll come back in
the world as something better.

PersonaIIy. when I die.
I'd Like to come back as a bird.

Because. man.
I could fIy free and easy...

and if I saw someone
I realIy didn't care for...

I'd drop a hot one on 'em.
When I die.
I want to be excremated...

and I want my ashes sprinkIed
in the old Briny.

At Ieast I'd be part of the sea
forever and ever.

Oh. that's beautiful. man.

When I die. I want to go
just Like my daddy--boom...

peaceful. in his sIeep.
They told me my grandmother died
peacefulIy in her sIeep.

It's a good way to go.
Nobody dies peacefulIy
in their sIeep.

That's what they teII people
to make them feeI good.

You want to know how people
realIy die in their sIeep?

First. they go to bed.
